Welcome to Neverending Theories 2.0, the homepage of Kakofonous A. Dischord

I am a musician, theoretical game developer, data horder, netlabel organizer, and general netizen. For more personal introduction, please visit my about page.

This website will document my projects, past and future, and will always be under construction. Thank you for your consideration and please bookmark this site to follow my journey.

Mini Q&A

Kinda like one of those Carrds

Name? Most people know me as "Kakofonous A. Dischord" and call me "Kako" for short.
I also go by "Evoline Theory" and "V.V. Malaise", the names of my primary fursonas.
A/S/L? 28. nebulous (pronouns: they/them, pls). the highest state.
How2ContactU? I am rather easy to contact thru Twitter but for a full list of contacts, check my contacts page.
HaveISeenUB4? I've been rather active in the MLP fan music scene. One might know me as a member of the Pinkamena Party staff. I also ran noise.horse. I have also dabbled in the vaporwave and mashup scenes.
Where2Listen? My most recent work is available via Bandcamp! A lot of my work is also easy to access via YouTube. More options are available on my where2listen page.

Latest Updates new!

September 5th, 2024: Hid some stuff, as they need major overhauls.
September 3rd, 2024: Updated age. Took too long on that lol. Anyhow. This website needs a major update. This update was done in Termux on android.
July 1st, 2023: Changed link order on contact page. Again, thanks muskrat.
February 23rd, 2023: Changed link order on contact page. Added blog.
November 9th, 2022: Added verification link for a mastodon instance. added other social links.
July 4th, 2022: Changed a few lines here and there. Nothing Big.
March 25th, 2022: Fixed a few things on V.V.'s and Evoline's pages.
March 2nd, 2022: Added a page for Evoline Theory! Finally! Also added an image for V.V. Also made the hugo and hugo theme credit a bit smaller. Various little changes happened around the site.
Febuary 24th, 2022: Lol fixed my age months after I turned 25.
Febuary 22nd, 2022: Happy Two's Day. Removed the Puppy Linux button from the bottom of the page. I have made the desision that running purely on a linux system is just not going to work out for me. Likely all future updates will be made via Ubuntu via Windows Subsystem for Linux.
January 19th, 2022: Added a page for Typographical Errors.
January 17th, 2022: Fixed some links on the contact page. Added some Headers in V.V.'s page. Evoline's page is gonna be done at some point I swear.
January 15th, 2022: Changed some info on V.V.'s page. Added more images to her gallery and added a header!
August 30th, 2021: Changed some info on V.V.'s page. Converted PNGs to JPGs to save space and added more. Also Added a defined button for V.V. to the dramatis personae page. Oh BTW, coming to you via Ubuntu on Windows Subsystem for Linux. Coolio
August 28th, 2021: Added new section for characters. Added page for V.V. Malaise.
August 4th, 2021: Two new album pages added.
August 2nd, 2021: First major update done from a non-Puppy Linux distro. This time I am coming to you via Chromebook Linux. Fun Stuff. Added a new album page!
August 1st, 2021: Removed animated fade in. Added logos to the Where2Listen page and shuffled the layout there. I'd like to make this page more interesting at some point. Also changed "twopaws.png" to be more in-theme to my unicorn/changeling fursona.
July 24th, 2021: Added a line to the Bio. Fixed "/a/dischord" to be a proper mini version of the front page bio.
July 22nd, 2021: Added a Favicon, with art from goobstbh.
July 22nd, 2021: Added a couple images to the homepage and some text.
July 20th, 2021: Some improvements to the homepage were made, including this box! Album embeds were improved on Album article pages. Under Construction Pikachu was Removed, lol rip.
July 19th, 2021: Some buttons were added to the footer.